
These guidelines are aimed at health workers to assist them in providing consistent advice to the general public about infant feeding. They support optimum infant nutrition by providing a review of the evidence, and clear evidence-based recommendations.
Infant feeding guidelines

Infant Feeding Guidelines: Summary

National Health and Medical Research Council. Infant Feeding Guidelines: Summary [internet]. 2013 [cited Apr 2021]; Canberra: NHMRC.

The Infant Feeding Guidelines are aimed at health workers to assist them in providing consistent advice to the general public about breastfeeding and infant feeding. They support optimum infant nutrition by providing a review of the evidence, and clear evidence-based recommendations on infant feeding for health workers. The main recommendations for infant feeding, including the introduction of solid food, are briefly described in this summary.

Information for health workers Infant feeding guidelines

Infant Feeding Guidelines Information For Health Workers

National Health and Medical Research Council. Infant Feeding Guidelines Information For Health Workers [internet]. 2012 [cited Apr 2021]; Canberra: NHMRC.

The Infant Feeding Guidelines are designed to provide information to assist decision-making and are based on the best available evidence. The guidelines aim to help all health workers understand how the WHO Code and Australian Agreement affect their work in both breastfeeding and using infant formula.

Educator guide Eat for health
Dietary Guidelines: Educator Guide

National Health and Medical Research Council. Eat for Health Educator Guide [internet]. 2013 [cited Apr 2021]; Canberra: NHMRC.

The Australian Dietary Guidelines provide advice about the foods that we need to eat for health and wellbeing.
Following the dietary patterns ensures we will get enough of the nutrients essential to help reduce our risk of chronic health problems such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, some cancers and obesity.

Paediatric Role Statement

Dietitian’s Association of Australia. 2021

Purpose of this role statement is to define the role an Accredited Practising Dietitian may fulfil when working in the area of paediatric health.